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Final Update: BSY Promotion & other nonsense ramblings

29 Dec

Well, you already know that I am busy with year-end closing at work… nothing new there.

I have also been addicted to this online game that my bf force-installed onto my iPhone.

Omg… fans of KAW are so going to have wet dreams with this photo later…




And now, I have 3 weeks of late nights playing KAW (Kingdoms at War), which resulted in a mini skin breakout.  I must stop.  I must.

Regarding the BSY promo, I have already sent out most of the packages to those who have ordered.  Now it is down to the final batch.  Once I have received all the last few payments, then I will send out the soaps all at one go & that will probably be early next week.  So those of you who have already paid, please be a little patient as Berry Mii has to work in her day job & co-ordinate deliveries at the same time, so I would rather compile batch by batch & make a trip to the post office to mail all at once.  So sad, nobody wants to do self-collection.  LOL.  Except for Sheryl.  *wet kiss for you*

Since I am a person who basically has no self-discipline (i dunno who to blame for this genes, both my parents seem to be responsible people), I have decided that next year 2011 will be a special year for me.

I have decided to set some goals for myself to achieve by the end of 2011.  But first, I will need to reflect on year 2010 in order to set goals for next year.

So, people of the cyber world, Berry Mii will work on a blog post to reflect on certain events that happened in 2010 & set a New Year’s Resolution for next year.  Skincare tips may be included.

Boy: Did I read Berry Mii correctly???
Girl: A New Year’s Resolution??? IMPOSSIBLE!!!


Why even kids don’t believe me… =\   And I thought they are supposed to be gullible.

But it’s true.  I will set my resolution/s  and stick to it/them.

Bush: Stick to it?!?!?!?!  NO WAY!!!!!



You’ll see, Mr Bush.  I will make you so proud because I am patriotic (makes no sense for so many reasons, but it just felt so right to say it).

ohhh, say, can’t you seeeeeeee~~~
by the dawn’s early light~~~





even Mel Gibson came to support me
but, erm, Mel, people who are balding should not be wearing hats…


I better get started on my resolutions for next year.  Or I have a feeling I might not be able to keep them.  hahaha…. Peace.

p.s – omg I just found out that my office is on a ½ day on New Year’s Eve!  Yay yay!  This day is looking brighter already.  I want to sing to birds & fluffy forest animals now.

faa la la la laaaaaa~~~~~~!!!




And then… … … … …




... lunch time is in another hour's time...
come on, clock.... MOVE FASTER!!!

Promotion: BSY Noni Facial Soap Bar

19 Dec

As mentioned in my previous blog posts, I first discovered the BSY facial soap at my bf’s house.  They were having  house gathering & at the end of the night, my face was feeling so icky that I was willing to grab just about anything to wash my face.  Usually after cleansing my face, my skin would feel so dry & tight around the mouth area PLUS the corner of my lips would keep peeling off & a few red weird bumps would appear… … BUT this soap did not do anything weird to my face.  So I continued to use this & on the 4th day, my complexion cleared.

My 1st BSY soap…
It’s a miracle!!!

So then began the search for this BSY soap, but somehow it was not being publicly marketed so I didn’t know where to get it.  Until a reader found a local store selling the BSY soap at SGD$20, but after corresponding with this lady via email, she told me that she doesn’t have a store.  Hmm.. maybe she had asked the store to put her contact alongside their office address.  But anyway, she could not really help me with my questions, so I thought of looking for other sellers.

Then another reader knew someone who sells the soap as well & got that seller to contact me.  This lady also doesn’t have a brick-and-mortar store so she also thought that it would be a good idea to sell the soaps thru Berry Mii.  And of course I suggested for her to offer it to me (or us) at a lower price.

So here it is!

The 2nd seller told me that the profit margin for this soap is already very low, so she could not really offer such a huge discount, but BETTER THAN NOTHING, right????????

Here’s the final deal and this will end on 31 Dec 2010:

First, I have to let you know that 1 bar of soap can last about 6 months.  So if you divide the cost of the soap over 6 months based on SGD$18.50, it is only like SGD$3.08 per month.  I think it freakin worth it lah.

*jumps for joy*… YIPPEEEEEE!!!

I have received some email enquiries from readers about the ingredients of the soap.  I have asked the lady but she also has limited information from the distributor, but she tried her best to find out for me.

I was told the the soap “contains Noni & is made of natural ingredients, no harmful ingredients like SLS“.  I am pretty ok with this because my ultra-sensitive skin didn’t have any negative reaction unlike other cleansers.

And that is why…. I took advantage of the 1 box promotion at SGD$105.  There are 6 bars of soap in 1 box.  So divide the cost out again, each bar of soap costs only SGD$17.50 for me.  Tee Hee!

And because 1 bar of soap can last so long, I don’t want to hold on to all the soaps or else they will be very close to expiry date.  Therefore, I am giving 1 to Gigi because she has young acne skin that is prone to oiliness.  1 to my bf so he can use it for face & body.  1 to a friend who has eczema, hoping that the soap can help her too.

*Fresh out of the oven!*

Am I bothered by the limited information on ingredients?  Honestly, I am a tiny bit curious.  Partly because I have already developed the habit of looking at a product’s ingredient list.  But on the other hand, it is scentless & gentle on my face, so at least I know that this BSY soap does not contain synthetic fragrances that can irritate my skin.  On top of that, this soap really did improve my complexion.

So, my decision is that I will still use it.

*Just rub the soap between your palm to create a rich lather then wash face with the foam!*

*individually packed with plastic cling wrap*

What is Noni & how is it good for us???

I did some research over Google & this is what it has to say about the magic of Noni.

The Noni plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal components which may assist the body in the restoration of healthy skin cells.  The fruit has been shown to cleanse the body & eliminate toxins, increase cellular repair and regeneration.  All these are to promote healthy skin cells!

Research has shown that its seeds are rich in linoleic acid, which is an essential fatty acid for skin hydration and health.  This is important to prevent dry skin, ease skin trauma & allows the skin to rejuvenate.  Mixing the fruit & seed together can improve skin health if you suffer from skin eruptions and rough, irritated skin.  This essential fatty acid is also vital for the healthy functioning of the body’s cell membranes, and to boost healthy nerve cells.

Here are my Before & After photos.

I am truly pleased with this soap because it delivered its results to me & I am taking out my time to introduce this soap to you because I hope that it can help you like how it helped me.  =)

But first, let’s take a trip down memory lane.  When I first started out this blog, I was plagued with cold sores & eczema + some kind of weird red rashes around my mouth area.  And yes, I was depressed for a long long long long long time.  See photo below:

Oily shiny skin…
Bumpy spots around the sides of the nose & chin…

Then I discovered natural/organic skincare & it improved my skin condition, but there were still moments when it will relapse.  Still, it was much much better than before.  See post HERE on the post about my 2 cyborg eyes.  Or you can just see photo below:

Ignore the PMS acne breakouts, you can tell my complexion cleared out by switching to natural/organic skincare.
But still has a tiny bit of skin problems left behind & sometimes will still relapse.
Not so oily & this was taken in the middle of the day without cleansing face.

Now the following photos are the results of the BSY Noni Soap.

I have kept the external conditions the same while taking these photos, such as:

–  taken by the same camera: Sony Ericsson Satio hp (sorry lah, that time I don’t have a good camera yet)

–  taken in the same room with the same lighting

–  taken after I get home from work without cleansing face

–  no photoshop or anything, photos are posted in raw form.  Anyway, my photoshop skills are crap.  LOL.  That’s why I always post photos which I find from the internet instead of making my own.  hahaha!

The following photos are all close up shots.  Ugh.

The Before photos were taken AFTER the use of natural/organic skincare, but BEFORE the use of BSY soap.

The After photos were all taken about 1 week AFTER the use of BSY soap.  You can judge the results for yourself.

Less oily on my T-zone.
Reduction in bumpy spots.
I think skin redness has gone down a little as well.

Yay!  Weird rash around my mouth has subsided after 1 week!
Actually the skin around that area started to peel off a little, then it slowly started to regenerate skin & now I am enjoying smooth skin.  Awesome x 2.

T-zone definitely reduced oiliness.
Lesser bumpy spots.
Another thing that improved was the reduction in blackheads!  You can’t tell from the photos because I’m not using a super duper powerful camera.  My skin started to flake slightly around my face & at first I thought that it was getting dry.  However, it doesn’t feel dry at all.  After a few days of flaking, my complexion just miraculously became better.  It seems like the soap was getting rid of dead skin.  Awesome x 3.

Awesome x 4.

Pretty amazing, huh.

Recently, I even persuaded my bf to use the soap on his back because it was full of rashes & weird red spots (i dunno what they are called).

I took a photo before he used the soap on his back, then took another photo 5 days after.  See below photos:

Can’t believe that is the same back, but it is!
Awesome x 5.

ok, it’s like 1:59am & I am super sleepy now.  Please pardon any typos or grammar mistakes because I am too tired to vet thru my own work.

To end this post, please let me know if you are interested in getting this soap & send me an email at by 31 December 2010.  Please also read HERE for more information on the payment / delivery / collection / any other stuff.

And of course, a big ass Berry Mii stamp for the BSY Noni Facial Soap!

Busy Bee Busy Mii

17 Dec

I haven’t been updating my blog as you know… … year-end… … super busy at work.

I should be freed up after Christmas.  omg CHIRSTMAS!  I am so happy!

This post is going to be short & sweet.

First of all, thank you to those who have emailed me regarding the BSY soap.  I have gotten the promotional price from the BSY lady, but I shall post it up in my next post over this weekend.

And no, I am not the one selling it.  I am a consumer just like you.  I am just being kind-hearted & generous & offering a lower price to the world since we are buying in a larger quantity.

But who knows, if this is a lucrative business, then I might take over & do it as freelance.  Then everybody will enjoy great discounts for every purchase from Berry Mii!!!  hahahaha!!  omg just thinking about it makes me feel tired.  I can foresee a lot of work in being a seller & I am so lazy.

Secondly, a lot of you have asked how to transfer money to me.  Well, I am not running a business so I’m sorry but I can’t accept payment thru Paypal because I will be charged a fee (if I’m not wrong).

So, please kindly do an ATM transfer to me.  I have various bank accounts & bank details will be given via email after you place your orders.

If you want to suggest any other payment options, please feel free to email me about it at

Lastly, I can send the products to you via registered mail but you’ll have to bear the postage charges (don’t complain or bargain ok because I have to take out my personal time to go to the posting for you & I’m not earning a single cent from you leh!!! LOL!).

I can send via normal mail, but… … … what if the mail gets lost?  Then how?  =\  hahaha.  Berry Mii cannot send you another soap as replacement because she is already a very kind person who has done everything else for free.

Another option is to meet up with me – Suntec area (during office hours), Hougang Mall (during weekends or after work) or Outram MRT (but subject to availability).  Don’t be shy / scared, I am very small & twiggy.  It might be awkward during our 1st meeting, but it will definitely not be scary.  Come on, don’t be shy.  There’s always a 1st time.  p.s – you can tell that I prefer meeting up so that I don’t have to go down to the post office.  LOL!  Ok but seriously, I don’t mind posting to you.  I do prefer meeting up though.  haha!

Final Lastly, some of you are worried that after paying, I will run away without sending the products, but seriously why would you think that???????????????? x 10000000 more ???s.

I am so hurt that people will think that I will run away with that little money.

Besides, I have a bf who can take care of me financially so I can just sponge off him.  WHY WOULD I RUN AWAY WITH JUST A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS????????  ARE YOU MAD.  hahahaha!!!

Jail time is definitely not for me.  How to take care of my complexion if I’m behind bars???????  Confirm my eczema & cold sores will come back one lor.  If you’re talking about a few billion dollars, then maybe I will run away lah.

You all very cute one lor… … can think of this kind of things.

Ok!  I have to get back to work.  Lunch time is almost up.


p.s – why am I so Singlish today… must be because Christmas is coming.  Tee Hee!

Quick Update on BSY soap

14 Dec


Regarding the mysterious BSY soap, a reader – CaramelPretzels – has left a comment under that post & told me where to find the soap!  Thanks for the tip!  *BIG HUGZ*  It IS the same soap selling for SGD$20.

The other good news is another blog reader saw my blog post on the mysterious soap & she happen to know this lady who sells BSY products!!!  This lady then contacted me & we are now in the midst of discussing for a lower price.

I am so excited!  My complexion has improved leaps & bounds from that BSY soap.  I no longer feel self-conscious now.  And now, I even get to buy it at a discounted price.  This is… … … … so good.  so so good.  *wipes a happy tear away*

The internet is a marvelous creation.  It is an amazing tool.  How can this be happening.  It’s like I strike Toto twice.  LOL!



p.s – i WILL let you know what the outcome is with that BSY lady… before Christmas, so if you’re interested, watch out for it here!  Or drop me an email at if you are interested in getting the soap, so I can place an order & we all can get a better discount.  =p

By the way, I know I told some of you that I will be posting up Before & After photos after using the BSY soap last weekend, but things happened… … like, weekend shopping & then my period came which gave me a badass cramp.  I bled so much I felt so lethargic the whole day, so I laid in bed watching TV & did not move except for food & water.

I will still be doing it!!!  Please give me a little more time & I will post it up by this week.
